July 04, 2014

School sports day

There are thousands of students in Yiu Yiu’s school, and as such, the school only invites parents of participating students to be present at the sports day (and I think the same applies to all other school activities).

Yiu Yiu was selected to participate this year and so, we were at the school bright and early on that day.
Having a quick bite before the events started

It started with the usual marching in of students and uniformed bodies, followed by speeches by the headmaster and chairman of the PTA.  It was followed by some taekwando, cheerleading and unicycle performances.  I was planning to leave as soon as her event finishes as I had to get to Yan Yan’s kindy for Parents-Teachers Day as well.  Unfortunately, her event was the last on the program.

Her team finished second last – one of the girls hopped the wrong way in the gunny sack.  She went backwards instead of forward J  Yiu Yiu was slightly disappointed but I’ve drummed into her that it doesn’t matter if her team won or lost, most important she participated and had fun.  But apparently the poor girl who hopped the wrong way was given an earful by her mum.

This may be the last year she’d participate in her school sports day, as there will no longer be telematches and games from Standard 4 onwards, unless she gets chosen for any track and field events.

1 comment:

WK Liew said...

At least she got to participate & had the experience :)