January 20, 2009

Online shopping

Several years ago, when online shopping started becoming popular, many people, including yours truly, were skeptical about the reliability and security of online shopping, especially when shoppers need to disclose confidential information such as credit card details as well as a shipping address. Now, many years on, online shopping has become a part of life for many. I normally shop online for flights and hotels, while hubby typically shops for electronic products. Just recently, he bought an iPod, specifically an iPod shuffle.

I fell in love with his new toy the moment the MP3 player was shipped to us. It is only 1.62 inches long and weighs only half an ounce. I love the light blue colour that hubby chose but apart from light blue, it’s also available in silver, green, blue and red.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love shopping online, too. So many choices available. & you can compare prices, use coupons, and get some good deals.